Createprofessional-looking documents and reports or design marketingmaterials and presentations with popular Microsoft® Office® software andother Microsoft programs. Whether you are looking for the entireMicrosoft Office Suite or extra programs like Publisher or Access, wecarry a variety of software options to get the right software for yourhome or business. Be sure to review all of our additional, including. Versatile Software PackagesIt's easy to select just the right programs for your needs andbudget. You may want all of the most popular programs in a MicrosoftOffice software package, including Word®, Excel®, PowerPoint® andOneNote®.
If you run a business, you can opt for an Office softwarepackage licensed for business use, which includes these programs as wellas Outlook®. Students can find programs that meet their needs, or youcan buy individual programs instead of the entire Office Suite. Additional Microsoft ProgramsIn addition to popular programs from Microsoft Office, there areother programs designed to help with more specialized work. Look forMicrosoft Access to help you quickly build convenient apps for managingdata, like contacts, customer billing or orders, without the need forprogramming knowledge. Design professional-looking marketing materialsand publications with Microsoft Publisher. Create professional-lookingdiagrams to share with associates using Visio.
Whatever needs yourbusiness has, Microsoft has programs to help you do your work moreeffectively and professionally.
Make a big scene bigger. Create cinematic movie titles, intros, and transitions. Start a fire or make it rain.
Animate a logo or a character. With After Effects CC, the industry-standard animation and creative compositing app, you can take any idea and make it move.Features:-There’s nothing you can’t create with After Effects.Animators, designers, and compositors use After Effects to create motion graphics and visual effects for film, TV, video, and the web.Roll credits. Twirl titles.Create animated titles, credits, and lower thirds. Start from scratch or with one of the animation presets available right inside the app. From spin to swipe to slide, there are countless ways to make your text move with After Effects.Explosive effects.
Mind-blowing results.Combine videos and images to send a UFO across the sky, blur out a logo, or create an explosion — the possibilities are endless. There are hundreds of effects to get just the look you want, from adding fog to changing colors to making it snow.Get animated.Set anything in motion using keyframes, including logos, shapes, and cartoons. Add sound for really amazing results.Plays well with others.After Effects works together seamlessly with other Adobe apps. Edit comps and immediately see how they look in Premiere Pro with Dynamic Link. Easily import work from Photoshop, Illustrator, and Audition. And use Team Projects to collaborate with editors no matter where they’re located.Data-driven animationAnimate motion graphics, including charts, graphs, promos, and schedules using imported data.Immersive VR editingTools for 360/VR are now deeply integrated into After Effects.
Edit stitched videos without distortion, apply seamless effects and motion graphics to 360 videos, and more.Keyboard shortcut mappingFind and customize keyboard shortcuts quickly using a visual map.Performance and navigation improvementsGet started faster with an intuitive start screen. Render layer transforms and motion blur on the GPU. And select and preview your favorite fonts with a new menu.
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(231). (301). (160). (178). (65).
(54). (28). (127). (155)New posts.