Barbie Fashion Show is one of the best Barbie gamesI bought this for my six year old granddaughter and she absolutely loves it. She plays it more than any of her other Barbie games. I don't mind taking a turn at it myself. As you progress thru your assignments more fashions become available. The only thing I wish is that the company offered updates with new fashions to download.
However, even if you begin to get tired of the fashions offered, the game still doesn't lose its interest, as you're only limited by the extent of your own creativity. First you choose your fashion style, then your fabric and embellishments. After this is completed you choose shoes to go with the outfit, a model, and a hairstyle and color. Once this is done you choose from a variety of stages, runways, props, and lighting. Then your model is ready for a pr actice run in which you select her moves at each point marked with an x on the runway.
After this is completed for all your models, you begin your fashion show, during which you can snap pictures. All in all it's a very entertaining game.
If we were entertained with paper dolls just imagine in a child's mind how awesome this must be when it all comes to life. I think most girls would enjoy this game if they like Barbies and fashion.