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Moonlight Lady Sub Indo

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Contents.Geographical locations Despite significant migration primarily for economic reasons, most Gujaratis in India live in the state of in western India. Gujaratis also form a significant part of the populations in the neighboring metropolis of and union territories of and, and Dadra Nagar Haveli, both being former Portuguese colonies. There are very large Gujarati immigrant communities in other parts of India, most notably in, and other metropolitan areas like and in. All throughout history Gujaratis have earned a reputation as being India's greatest merchants, industrialists and business, and have therefore been at forefront of migrations all over the world, particularly to regions that were part of the British empire such as, and countries in. Diasporas and transnational networks in many of these countries date back to more than a century. In recent decades, larger numbers of Gujaratis have migrated to English speaking countries such as the, and the.

History In 1790-1, an epidemic devastated numerous parts of Gujarat during which 100,000 Gujaratis were killed in alone.An outbreak of in 1812 has been claimed to have killed about half the Gujarati population. The king of Cambay (in present-day Gujarat) from 'Figurae variae Asiae et Africae,' a 16th-century Portuguese manuscript in the Casanatense Library in Rome (Codex Casanatense 1889)Early European travelers like (15th century) traveled to Gujarat and wrote on the people of Gujarat. He noted that had a strong presence in Gujarat and opined that Gujaratis were deprived of their kingdom by Mughals because of their kind heartedness. His description of Gujaratis was: “.a certain race which eats nothing that has blood, never kills any living things. And these people are neither moors nor heathens. If they were baptized, they would all be saved by the virtue of their works, for they never do to others what they would not do unto them.”Social stratification Orthodox Gujarati society, which was by nature, was historically organized along lines and shaped into existence on the strength of its (' assemblies'), and for its institution of Nagarsheth ('head of the guild assembly'); a 16th-century system akin to medieval European which self-regulated the mercantile affairs of multi-ethnic, multi-religious communities in the Gujarati long before municipal state politics was introduced. Historically, Gujaratis belonging to numerous faiths and, thrived in an inclusive climate surcharged by a degree of, in which Hindus and dominated occupations such as and brokers whereas, and largely dominated sea shipping trade.

This led to religious, tolerance, and ultimately becoming the hallmark of modern-day Gujarati society. Religion The Gujarati people are predominantly. There is also a significant populations of, and minor populations of Sikhs, and Hindu Communities The major communities in Gujarat are the traditional Agriculturalist such as, and, Artisan communities (, ), communities (such as, ), Farming communities (such as and, Genealogist communities (such as and ), communities (such as, ), Parsi Community, Tribal communities (such as, and ) and (such as, ). Muslim Communities The major Gujarati Muslim communities include Ismailis, and Vahora.Diaspora Gujaratis have a long tradition of seafaring and a history of overseas migration to foreign lands, to, Kuwait, and other countries in the since a mercantile culture resulted naturally from the state's proximity to the Arabian Sea. The countries with the largest Gujarati populations are Pakistan, United Kingdom, United States, Canada and many countries in Southern and East Africa. Globally, Gujaratis are estimated to comprise around 33% of the Indian diaspora worldwide and can be found in 129 of 190 countries listed as sovereign nations by the. (NRGs) maintain active links with the homeland in the form of business, and through their political contribution to state governed domestic affairs.Gujarati parents in the diaspora are not comfortable with the possibility of their language not surviving them.

In a study, 80% of parents felt that 'children would be better off with English', compared to 36% of parents and only 19% of Gujarati parents. Pakistan. Main article:There is a community of mainly settled in the Pakistani of for generations. Community leaders say there are 3,000,000 speakers of Gujarati language in. A sizable number migrated after the and subsequent in 1947. These Pakistani Gujaratis belong mainly to the, Muslim Khatri and Memon groups; however, many Gujaratis are also a part of Pakistan's small but vibrant.

Famous Gujaratis of Pakistan include (father of Pakistan), (sixth Prime Minister of Pakistan), Sir (philanthropist), (Major-General), (philanthropist), (Pakistani cricketer), (humanitarian), (philanthropist), (philanthropist), (Pakistani cricketer), (philanthropist), (Pakistani fashion and art photographer), (Pakistani nuclear physicist) and (Pakistani critic and social activist). United States. Gujaratis have achieved a high in many urban districts worldwide, notably in, or, in, USA, within the, as large-scale immigration from India continues into, with the largest metropolitan Gujarati population outside of India.The United States has the second-largest Gujarati after Pakistan. The highest concentration of the population of over 100,000 is in the alone, notably in the growing Gujarati diasporic center of in, and in in. Significant immigration from India to the United States started after the landmark.

Early immigrants after 1965 were highly educated professionals. Since US immigration laws allow sponsoring immigration of parents, children and particularly siblings on the basis of family reunion, the numbers rapidly swelled.

A number of Gujarati are twice or thrice-migrant because they came directly from the former British colonies of East Africa or from East Africa via Great Britain respectively Given the Gujarati propensity for business enterprise, a number of them opened shops and motels. Now in the 21st century over 40% of the in the United States is controlled by Gujaratis. Gujaratis, especially the Patidar samaj, also dominate as franchisees of fast food restaurant chains such as. The descendants of the Gujarati immigrant generation have also made high levels of advancement into fields, including as, and politicians. In August 2016, commenced single aircraft (no transfer) flight service between and in New Jersey, via.Notable Gujarati Americans include (United States Congress), (American politician), (economist to Whitehouse), ( under President Trump), (Indian American journalist),(CEO ), (Forbes), (Forbes), (sports) (first Muslim judge of California), ( nominated American songwriter), and actresses,.

Europe United Kingdom. The at Neasden, London which is the largest Hindu Temple in EuropeGujaratis have had a long involvement with Britain. The original set up a in the port city of in Gujarat in 1615. These were the beginnings of first real British involvement with India that eventually led to the formation of the.The third largest overseas diaspora of Gujaratis, after and United States, is in the United Kingdom. At a population of around 600,000 Gujaratis form almost half of the Indian community who live in the UK (1.2 million). Gujaratis first went to the UK in the 19th century with the establishment of the in India. Prominent members of this community such as played a vital role in exerting political pressure upon colonial powers during the.The present day Gujarati diaspora in the UK is mostly the second and third generation descendants of 'twice-over' immigrants from the former British colonies of East Africa,.

Most of them despite being had restricted access to Britain after successive Immigration acts of,. Most were, however, eventually admitted on the basis of a Quota voucher system or, in case of Uganda, as refugees after the expulsion order by the ruler, in August 1972.Gujaratis in Britain are regarded as affluent middle-class peoples who have assimilated into the milieu of British society. They are celebrated for revolutionizing the corner shop, and energising the British economy which changed Britain's antiquated retail laws forever. Demographically, Hindus form a majority along with a significant number of and Muslims, and smaller numbers of. They are predominantly settled in metropolitan areas like, East Midlands, West Midlands, Lancashire. Cities with significant Gujarati populations include and London boroughs of,.

There is also a small, but vibrant Gujarati-speaking Parsi community of present in the country, dating back to the bygone era of,. Both Hindus and Muslims have established caste or community associations, temples, and mosques to cater for the needs of their respective communities.

A well known temple popular with Gujaratis is the BAPS in Neasdon, London. A popular mosque that caters for the Gujarati Muslim community in Leicester is the.

Leicester has a Jain Temple that is also the headquarters of Jain Samaj Europe. The is a charity, already thriving in East Africa, which has 13 branches in the U.K. And is strongly dependent on support from the Gujarati community in Britain. (MP) of UKGujarati Hindus in the UK have maintained many traditions from their homeland. The community remains religious with more than 100 temples catering for their religious needs.

All major Hindu festivals such as, Dassara, and are celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm even from the generations brought up in UK. Gujarati Hindus also maintain their caste affiliation to some extent with most major castes having their own community association in each population center with significant Gujarati population such as Leicester and London suburbs. Form the largest community in the diaspora including Kutch Leva Patels, followed closely by of origin. Gujarati from various regional backgrounds are affiliated with several independent British organizations dependent on caste such as Shree Maher Samaj UK, and the Gujarati Arya Kshatriya Mahasabha-UK.Endogamy remains important to Gujarati Muslims in UK with the existence of matrimonial services specifically dedicated to their community.

Gujarati Muslim society in the UK have kept the custom of Jamat Bandi, literally meaning communal solidarity. This system is the traditional expression of communal solidarity.

It is designed to regulate the affairs of the community and apply sanctions against infractions of the communal code. Gujarati Muslim communities, such as the, Khoja, and Memon have associations, known as jamats that run mosques and community centers for their respective communities.India becoming the predominant powerhouse in the 1990s has led to waves of new immigration by Gujaratis, and other Indians with software skills to the UK. In 2005, the Gujarat Studies Association was formed in order to raise awareness about research being conducted on the Gujaratis - their patron is.Belgium Two Gujarati business communities, the Jains and the Kathiawadi Patels from Surat, have come to dominate the diamond industry of. They have largely displaced the community which previously dominated this industry in Belgium. Canada Canada, just like its southern neighbour, is home to a large Gujarati community. According to the 2016 census, there are 122,460 Gujaratis of various religious backgrounds living in Canada. The majority of them live in - home to the second largest Gujarati community in North America, after the.

Gujarati Hindus are the second largest linguistic/religious group in Canada's Indian community after, and Toronto is home to the largest Navratri festival in North America. The Ismaili Khoja form a significant part of the Canadian diaspora estimated to be about 80,000 in numbers overall. Most of them arrived in Canada in the 1970s as immigrants from and other countries of East Africa.Notable Gujarati Canadians include (CEO of ), ( journalist), (former, current journalist), (Canadian actor), (Canadian actor ), (Canadian film director), (Canadian actress), (-winning Animations director), (Member of Parliament for Parkdale-High Park), (Member of Parliament for Edmonton-Strathcona), (36th Mayor of Calgary), ( anchor) and (Investor and Philanthropist). East Africa Former British colonies in East Africa had many residents of descent. The primary immigration was mainly from Gujarat and to a lesser extent from Punjab. They were brought there by the from to do work in Imperial service, or unskilled and semi-skilled manual labour such as construction or farm work.

In the 1890s, 32,000 labourers from British India were brought to the then British East African colonies under indentured labour contracts to work on the construction of the that started in the Kenyan port city of and ended in on Kenyan side of. Most of the surviving Indians returned home, but 6,724 individuals decided to remain in the after the line's completion.Many Asians, particularly the Gujarati, in these regions were in the trading businesses. They included Gujaratis of all religions as well many of the castes and Quoms. Since the representation of Indians in these occupations was high, stereotyping of Indians in Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyka as shopkeepers was common. A number of people worked for the British run banks. They also worked in skilled labor occupations, as managers, teachers and administrators. Gujarati and other South Asians had significant influence on the economy, constituting 1% of the population while receiving a fifth of the national income.

For example, in Uganda, the and families controlled the bulk of the manufacturing businesses. Gated ethnic communities served elite healthcare and schooling services. Additionally, the tariff system in Uganda had historically been oriented toward the economic interests of South Asian traders. One of the oldest Jain overseas diaspora was of Gujarat.

Their number was estimated at 45,000 at the independence of the East African countries in the early 1960s. Most members of this community belonged to Gujarati speaking Halari Visa Oshwal Jain community originally from the area of.The countries of East Africa gained independence from Britain in the early 1960s. At that time most Gujarati and other Asians opted to remain as British Subjects. The African politicians at that time accused Asians of economic exploitation and introduced a policy of Africanization.

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The 1968 Committee on 'Africanisation in Commerce and Industry' in Uganda made far-reaching Indophobic proposals. A system of work permits and trade licenses was introduced in 1969 to restrict the role of Indians in economic and professional activities.

Indians were segregated and discriminated against in all walks of life. During the middle of the 1960s many Asians saw the writing on the wall and started moving either to UK or India. However, restrictive British immigration policies stopped a mass exodus of East African Asians until Idi Amin came to power in 1971. He exploited pre-existing Indophobia and spread propaganda against Indians involving stereotyping and scapegoating the Indian minority. Indians were stereotyped as 'only traders' and 'inbred' to their profession. Indians were labelled as 'dukawallas' (an occupational term that degenerated into an anti-Indian slur during Amin's time), and stereotyped as 'greedy, conniving', without any racial identity or loyalty but 'always cheating, conspiring and plotting' to subvert Uganda.

Amin used this propaganda to justify a campaign of 'de-Indianization', eventually resulting in the expulsion and ethnic cleansing of Uganda's Indian minority. Kenya Gujarati and other Indians started moving to the Kenya colony at the end of the 19th century when the British colonial authorities started opening up the country with the laying down of the. A small colony of merchants, however, had existed on the port cities such Mombasa on the Kenyan coast for hundreds of years prior to that.

The immigrants who arrived with the British were the first ones to open up businesses in rural Kenya a century ago. These Dukawalas or shopkeepers were mainly Gujarati (Mostly Jains and Hindus and a minority of Muslims).

Over the following decades the population, mainly Gujarati but also a sizable number of Punjabi, increased in size. The population started declining after the independence of Kenya in the 1960s. At that time the majority of Gujaratis opted for British citizenship and eventually moved there, especially to cities like or suburbs. Famous Kenyans of Gujarati heritage who contributed greatly to the development of East Africa include, (Forbes), (Forbes), and Indian philanthropist, who played a large role in the development of modern-day Kenya during colonial rule. Main article:There is a small community of people of Indian origin living in Uganda, but the community is far smaller than before 1972 when Ugandan ruler Idi Amin expelled most Asians, including Gujaratis.

In the late 19th century, mostly, were brought on three-year contracts, with the aid of Imperial British contractor to build the from Mombasa to Kisumu by 1901, and to by 1931. Some died, while others returned to India after the end of their contracts, but few chose to stay. They were joined by Gujarati traders called 'passenger Indians', both Hindu and Muslim free migrants who came to serve the economic needs of the indentured labourers, and to capitalise on the economic opportunities.After the 1972 expulsion, most Indians and Gujaratis migrated to the United Kingdom. Due to the efforts of the, many Khoja Nizari Ismaili refugees from Uganda were offered asylum in Canada. Tanzania. Training with in 2009.The Indian community in South Africa is more than a 150 years old and is concentrated in and around the city of.

The vast majority of immigrant pioneer Gujaratis who came in the latter half of the 19th century were passenger Indians who paid for their own travel fare and means of transport to arrive and settle South Africa, in pursuit of fresh trade and career opportunities and as such were treated as, unlike the fate of a class of Indian indentured laborours who were transported to work on the sugarcane plantations of in dire conditions. Passenger Indians, who initially operated in Durban, expanded inland, to the South African Republic , establishing communities in settlements on the main road between and Durban. After wealthy merchants began experiencing discrimination from repressive colonial legislation in, they sought the help of one young lawyer, to represent the case of a businessman. Was consequently elected the first president of the.Indians in South Africa could traditionally be bifurcated as either indentured labourers (largely from Tamil Nadu, with smaller amounts from UP and Bihar) and merchants (exclusively from Gujarat).Peculiarities of the South African Gujarati diaspora include high amounts of Southern Gujaratis and a disproportionately high amount of Surti Sunni Vohra and Memon Gujaratis. Post democracy, sizeable amounts of new immigrants have settled in various parts of South Africa, including many newer Gujaratis.Indians have played an important role in the of South Africa. Many were incarcerated alongside following the, and many became martyred fighting to end racial discrimination.

Notable South African Indians of Gujarati heritage include freedom fighters such as (activist), (activist), (activist), (activist) and (activist), as well as (missionary), (Al Jazeera English) and (cricketer). Main article:, holding a strategically important position at the mouth of the, has been the primary focus of trade and commerce for medieval Gujarati merchants for much of its history and Gujaratis, along with various other ethnic groups, founded and settled its capital port city,. Some of the earliest Indian immigrants to settle in Oman were the of, who have had a powerful presence in Oman dating back to the 16th century.

At the turn of the 19th century, Gujaratis wielded enough clout that, the great-grandfather of the current ruler, spoke Gujarati and along with his native Arabic and Oman's sultan Syed Said (1791-1856) was persuaded to shift his capital from Muscat to, more than two thousand miles from the Arabian mainland, on the recommendation of Shivji Topan and Bhimji families who lent money to the Sultan. In modern times, business tycoon Kanaksi Khimji, from the famous Khimji family of Gujarat was conferred title of by the Sultan, the first ever use of the title for a member of the Hindu community. The Muscati Mahajan is one of the oldest merchants associations founded more than a century ago. Southeast Asia Gujaratis had a flourishing trade with Southeast Asia in the 15th and 16th centuries, and played a pivotal role in establishing in the region. Miller (2010) presented a theory that the indigenous scripts of , (Indonesia) and the are descended from an early form of the Gujarati script. Reported a presence of a thousand Gujaratis in prior to 1512.

Gujarati language continues to be spoken in Singapore and Malaysia. Malaysia. Vedhmi is a sweet lentil stuffed.Gujarati food has famously been described as 'the haute cuisine of vegetarianism' and meals have a subtle balance of sweet, tart and mild hot sensations on the palate. Gujarati Jains, many Hindus and in Gujarat are vegetarian.

However, many Gujaratis such as Hindu, and Muslims have traditionally eaten a variety of meats and seafood, although don't eat pork and Hindus don't eat beef. Follows the traditional Indian full meal structure of rice, cooked vegetables, or curry. The different types of flatbreads that a Gujarati cooks are rotli or, thepla or dhebara, maal purah, and puran-pohli. Popular snacks such as, Dhokli, dal-dhokli, fafda, Muthia, Bhajia, Patra, bhusu, locho, sev usal, fafda gathiya, vanela gathiya and are traditional Gujarati dishes savoured by many communities across the world.– a mix of rice and, cooked with spice – is a popular and nutritious dish which has regional variations.

Quite often the khichdi is accompanied. It is found satisfying by most Gujaratis, and cooked very regularly in most homes, typically on a busy day due to its ease of cooking. It can also become an elaborate meal such as a when served with several other side dishes such as a vegetable curry, yogurt, shaak, onions, mango pickle and.Spices have traditionally been made on grinding stones, however, since villages have seen rapid growth and industrialization in recent decades, today people may use a blender or grinder. People from north Gujarat use dry red chili powder, whereas people from south Gujarat prefer using green chili and coriander in their cooking. There is no standard recipe for Gujarati dishes, however the use of tomatoes and is a consistent theme throughout Gujarat.Traditionally Gujaratis eat at the end of a meal to enhance digestion, and desserts such as aam shrikhand made using salad and hung are very popular. In many parts of Gujarat, drinking (chilled ) or soda after lunch or dinner is also quite common.Surti delicasies include which is a filled with and nuts that is typically eaten during the festival.

Delicacies include famous – made from fine strands of sweet dough (rice or maida) garnished with pistachios, and halwasan which are hard squares made from broken wheat, khoa, nutmeg. A version of English is made in Gujarat that uses instead of the traditional eggs. It is cooked with cardamom and, and served with fruit and sliced almonds. Gujarati families celebrate by having dinner with doodh-pauva under moonlight. Literature. Excerpt from ' - the of in its original Gujarati.The history of may be traced to 1000 AD.

Since then literature has flourished till date. Well known laureates of Gujarati literature are, Mahatma Gandhi, Imamuddin khanji Babi Saheb (Ruswa mazlumi), and., and are Gujarati language poets., Gujarati-speaking Parsi who was president of was a nationalist poet.

His poem, Jya Jya Vase Ek Gujarati, Tya Tya Sadakal Gujarat (Wherever a Gujarati resides, there forever is Gujarat) depicts Gujarati ethnic pride and is widely popular in Gujarat., and are Ahmedabad based literary institutions promoting the spread of Gujarati literature.is a novel. Writers like Harindra Dave, Suresh Dalal, Jyotindra Dave, Prahlad Brahmbhatt, Tarak Mehta, Harkisan Mehta, Vinod Bhatt, Kanti Bhatt, and have influenced Gujarati thinkers.paramhanso, like Bramhanand, Premanand, contributed to Gujarati language literature with prose like and poetry in the form of. A spiritual mystic who was honored with the title, ' of ' made literary contributions to philosophy and promoted.Gujarati theatre owes a lot to bhavai. Is a musical performance of stage plays. Ketan Mehta and explored artistic use of bhavai in films such as,. Dayro (gathering) involves singing and conversation reflecting on human nature.Gujarati language is enriched by the Adhyatmik literature written by the Jain scholar, and Pandit Himmatlal Jethalal Shah. This literature is both in the form of poetry and prose.

Gujarati folklore Folklores are important part of Gujarati culture. The folktales of Kankavati are religious in nature because they sprung from the ordinary day-to-day human cycle of life independent of, and sometimes deviating from the scriptures. They are part of the Hindu rituals and practices for marriage, the harvest and death, and are not merely religious acts but they reflect the lived life of people in rural and urban societies.The anthologies of and Raang Chhe Barot are pragmatic with practical and the esoteric wisdom. Saurashtra Ni Rasdhar is a collection of love legends and depicts every shade of love and love is the main emotion which makes human world beautiful because it calls forth patience, responsibility, sense of commitment and dedication.

Also the study of Meghani's works is quintessential because he was a trailblazer in exploring the vast unexplored heritage of Gujarati folklore. His folktales mirrors milieu of Gujarat, dialects, duhas, decors, humane values, sense of sacrifice and spirit of adventure, enthusiasm and, of course, the flaws in people. Meghani's folktales are verbal miniature of Gujarati culture. Notable people. A business magnate and the richest man in Business people Notable Gujarati businesspeople include,the,Nirav Tripathi,Politicians Some of the most important figures involved in the independence movement were Gujarati. These include, and father of Pakistan.

Gujaratis have also been prime ministers of India. They include, and the current prime minister.

Others involved in Gujarat or Indian National politics include current former chief minister, and.There have been many Gujaratis involved in Pakistani politics, with the most prominent individuals being stateswoman and leading founder of Pakistan,; the sixth,; and the current,. Other important Pakistani-Gujarati politicians include,. UK politicians of Gujarati descent include, and, among others as well as Canadian politician.Social activists , and.Arts and entertainment. A sword dance performed by the martial communities ofFamous Bollywood veterans of Gujarati heritage include,. Was a pioneer of Hindi cinema, best known for directing the social epic drama (1957). As well as film directors such as, and Shreedatt Vyas,Indian theatre personalities include,.

Award-winning producer, won six in collaboration with, whereas veteran playback singer Jaykar has been performing in the industry for over two decades now. Bollywood actresses and have found fame in recent times.is remembered for casting actors like, and in hit films he directed such as, and, and pioneered the use of in films. Theatre veteran was well known in for being a popular production designer who designed the sets of over 50 films during his lifetime. Meanwhile, film tycoon owned and operated one of the biggest cinema houses in and launched the careers of Punjabi film stars such as in undivided India. Was a noted Indian film production company and studio based in Mumbai, established in 1933 by Wadia brothers and, whom were originally Parsis from Surat.Director is today known as was one of the founding fathers of.

Have made artists like, Snehlata, Raajeev, Roma Maneck, and popular in the entertainment industry. Among these dynamic actors, the late Upendra Trivedi who was a leading veteran of Gujarati cinema, made a popular pair with the heroine Snehlata and together they co-acted in more than 70 Gujarati films. By whom the famous character of was played in Ramanad Sagar's popular TV serial is his brother. In recent times, Gujarati drama film releases such as, and were positively received by audiences.Gujarati TV serials which showcase the traditional culture and lifestyle have made a prominent place in India. Comedy actors such as, Dina Pathak, Ratna Pathak Shah and have found a place in audience hearts and are presently the top actors on.

Modern actors of Gujarati heritage who are more versatile include, Disha Savla,Komal Thacker, Vasim Bloch, Parth Oza, Jugal Jethi, Pia Trivedi, and.There are dedicated airing Gujarati programs.Well known musicians include the internationally acclaimed, pop star, Darshan Raval, sons of Sadruddin Merchant who is veteran composer of the film industry, and ghazal singer who is recipient of the. Famous sports icons of Gujarati heritage include,. Kiran Dabhi.Science and technology World renowned computer scientist and inventor of, (Vice President of Research at ), (Communication Revolution), and Indian physicist Vikram Sarabhai are Gujarati. Vikram Sarabhai is considered the 'father of ', while Dr., a Parsi who is related to the industrial family is the 'father of '. Another well known Parsi pioneer who founded, India's biggest conglomerate company and devoted his life to four goals: setting up an iron and steel company, a world-class learning institution, a unique hotel and a, is the 'father of Indian industry'.

15 Bishoujo Hyouryuuki3. 21-ji no Onna: Newscaster Katsuragi Miki4. 23-Year Old Female Teacher5. 69 Pink Riders6. 69 Pink Riders 27.

Accelerando: Datenshi-tachi no Sasayaki After. The Animation8. A Forbidden Time9. A Heat for All Seasons10 A Tail of Two Sisters11.

A Time To Screw12. Advancer Tina13.

Adventure Kid14. After Class Lesson15.

Ai Shimai 2: Futari no Kajitsu17. Ai Shimai Tsubomi. Kegashite Kudasai18. Ai no Katachi19. Ail Maniax21.

Akebi no Hana: Maho22. Akiba Girls24. Aisai Nikki25. Akina to Onsen de H Shiyo!26.

Aku no Onna Kanbu27. Aku no Onna Kanbu: Full Moon Night28. Alignment You! Anal Sanctuary30. Anata Dake Konbanwa31. Anata no Shiranai Kangofu32.

Ane Haramix33. Ane to Boin35.

Anejiru Sanmai 3D39. Aneki - My Sweet Elder Sister40. Aneki no Kounai Kaikinbi41. Angel Blade (Angel Blade loh bukan Angel Beats -)42.

Angel Blade Punish!43. Angel Core44. Aniyome wa Ijippari46. Arbeit Shiyou!!47. Asa kara Zusshiri Milk Pot48. Ashita no Yukinojou49.

B Babuka Gokudou no Tsuma50. Bakemonogatari Hentai - Iromono go51. Bakuhatsu Sunzen!!52. Bakunyuu Bomb53. Bakunyuu Oyako54.

Bakunyuu Shimai55. Beast City56. Behind Closed Doors57.

Betsuni Anta no Tame ni Ookiku Nattan Janain Dakarane!58. Bi-chiku Beach59. Bible Black60. Bible Black - New Testament61. Bible Black Gaiden62. Bible Black Only63. Binetsu Hime65.

Binetsu: Yakusoku no Toki66. Binetsukko b37C67. Binkan Athlete68. Birei Okami Mie69.

Black Gate: Kan`in no Gakuen70. Black Widow71. Blind Night72. Blood Royal73. Bloods - Inraku no Ketsuzoku II74. Body Transfer75. Boukou Genba 3D77.

Boku wa Imouto ni Koi o Suru78. Bondage Game: Shinsou no Reijou-tachi79. Bust to Bust81. Buta Hime-Sama82.

Cafe Junkie83. Cantaloupe Collector86.

Cartagra: Tsuki Gurui no Yamai87. Castle Fantasia88. City of Sin90. Chains of Lust91. Chijoku Kankin: Ochita Tenshi-tachi93. Chijoku Shinsatsushitsu94. Chikan Densha95.

Chikan Juunin Tai96. Chikan Monogatari97. Chikan no Licence98. Chikansha Thomas99. Chinetsu Karute100. Choubatsu Yobikou102.

Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji103. Choukou Sennin Haruka104. Choukou Tenshi Escalayer105. Chu Shite Agechau106. Consenting Adultery108. Cosplay Roshutsu Kenkyuukai109. Court no Naka no Tenshi-tachi110.

Crimson Girls: Chikan Shihai111. Cross Days112. Dalmascan Night115. Dark Blue117. Dark Shell: Lust in the Cage118.

Dark Tours119. Deep Voice121. Depravity: Destruction of a Female Teacher122. Desperate Carnal Housewives123.

Destined For Love124. Diabolus: Kikoku125. Discipline Zero127.

Discode Ijou Seiai128. DNA Hunter129. Do You Know the Milfing Man?130. Dokidoki Haha Musume Lesson131.

Donburi Kazoku132. Dorei Kaigo133. Dorei Maid Princess134. Dousou Kai135.

Dousou Kai Again136. Dream Note137. Dvine Luv138. Eisai Kyoiku140.

Elf Hime Nina142. Elf no Futagohime: Willan to Arsura143. H mo Game mo Kaihatsu Zanmai 147. Service: Aratanaru Rival150. Fighting of Ecstasy151.

First Love152. Flashback Game153.

Floating Material154. Flower & Snake The Animation155. Flutter of Birds: Tori-tachi no Habataki156. Flutter of Birds 2: Tenshi-tachi no Tsubasa157. Foxy Nudes158. Front Innocent: Mou Hitotsu no Lady Innocent159.

Furyou ni Hamerarete161. Futari Ecchi162.

G-taste (2010)163. Gakuen II164. Gakuen III165. Gakuen Maria: Bakunyuu Teachers166. Gakuen Nanafushigi167. Gakuen Saimin Reido168. Gakuen Shimai169.

Gedou Gakuen171. Gekka Bijin172. Girl Next Door176. Gitai Saimin177. Gloria: Kindan no Ketsuzoku178. Gogo no Kouchou179. Gosenzo San'e180.

Green Green 13 Erolutions181. Grope - Yami no naka no Kotori-tachi182. HHH: Triple Ecchi 184. Haha Sange185.

Hainuwele Shuukaku no Yoru186. Hakoiri Shoujo: Virgin Territory187. Hakudakuin Chichi Karute Seieki Chuusha Ressun188.

Hana Dorei189. Handle with Care190. Haramasete Seiryuu-kun!191. Hardcore Hospital192. Harem Time193. Harenchi Koumon Manyuuki194.

Harukoi Otome195. Hatsu Inu196. Hatsu Inu 2197. Heartwork: Symphony of Destruction199. Heisa Byouin200.

Heisei Harenchi Gakuen201. Helter Skelter202. Henbou Moral Hazard203. Hime Dorei204.

Hime-Sama Gentei!205. Himekishi Angelica206. Himekishi Lilia207. Hinadori no Saezuri208. Hininden: Gauss209.

Hishoka Drop210. Hissatsu Chikan Nin211.

Hitou Meguri212. Hitou Meguri Kakure Yu213. Hitou Meguri Kakure Yu: Mao Hen214. Hitozuma Cosplay Kissa215. Hitozuma Cosplay Kissa 2216. Hitozuma Kasumi-san217. Ho Ta Ru Ko218.

Honoo no Haramase Doukyuusei219. Honoo no Haramase Tenkousei220. Hot Juicy Teacher221. Houkago 2222. Houkago 2: Saiyuri223. Houkago Mania Club: Koi no Hoshii no224. Houkago Nyannyan225.

Hump Bang226. Ijou Chitai - Jikken Dorei229. Ikinari H ja dame desuka-3D230.

Ikusa Otome Suvia231. Ikusa Otome Valkyrie232.

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2233. Ikusa Otome Valkyrie G234. Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Shinshou235. Imouto Jiru238. Imouto Nofukurami The Movie239. Imouto Paradise! Imouto de Ikou!241.

In Series242. In Warau Kangofu243.

In'youchuu Etsu244. In`youchuu Shoku: Ryoushokutou Taimaroku246. Inbaku Gakuen247. Inda no Himekishi Janne248. Injuu Gakuen249. Injuu Gakuen EX250. Injuu Gakuen: Fukkatsu Hen251.

Injuu Kateikyoushi252. Injuu Onna Kyoushi253. Injuu vs Onna Spy254. Inma Youjo255. Inmu 2: Flesh Dreams256. Inmu Gakuen257. Inmu: Ikenie no Utage258.

Innocent: Shoujo Memoria259. Innocent Blue260.

Inshitsu Otaku ni Ikareru Kanojo261. Inyoku Tokkyuu Zetsurin Ou262. Isaku Respect264. Issho ni Ecchi265. Isshoni H Shiyo267. Itazura The Animation269. JK to Ero Giin Sensei270.

JK to Inkou Kyoushi 4271. JK to Orc Heidan272. Jinkou Shoujo273. Jinshin Yugi274. Jokei Kazoku275.

Joou-sama wa M Dorei278. Junjou Shoujo Et Cetera279. Juuni-nin no Onna Kyoushi280. Kaette Kita Court no Naka no Tenshi-tachi281. Kagirohi: Shaku Kei283. Kairaku Satsujin Chousakan Koji284.

Kakushi Dere285. Kakyuusei 2: Ki Hanashi Atsumari286. Kan'in Tokkyuu Michishio287. Kanariya wa Kago no Naka288. Kangoku Senkan289. Kangoku: Injoku no Jikkentou290.

Kanojo ga Mimai ni Konai Wake291. Kanojo to Ikenai Kankei-3D292. Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo 293. Kansen II295. Kansen III296. Kara no Shoujo298.

Kateikyoushi no Onee-san300. Kateikyoushi no Onee-san 2301. Kijoku: Princess Double Kari304. Kijutsushi x Majutsushi305. Kimi no Na wo Yobeba306. Kindan no Byoutou308.

Kininaru Kimochi309. Kininaru Roommate310. Kiriya Hakushakuke no Roku Shimai311. Kisaku Spirit313. Kite (uncut)314. Koiito Kinenbi315. Koikishi Purely Kiss317.

Moonlight Lady Sub Indo Eps 16

Kojin Taxi318. Kokudo Ou319.

Kosupure Roshutsu Kenkyuukai320. Kotowari: Kimi no Kokoro no Koboreta Kakera321.

Koukai Benjo322. Koutetsu no Majo Annerose323. Kowaku no Toki324. Kunoichi Sakuya325. Kurai Mirai326.

Kuro no Danshou328. Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru329. Kurutta Kyoutou: Danzai no Gakuen Kussetsu330. Kyonyuu Fantasy331. Kyouhaku - Owaranai Ashita332.

Kyouhaku Second: Mou Hitotsu no Ashita333. Kyouiku Shidou334. Last Waltz336.

Leather Man337. Lesbian Ward338. Let`s Fall in Love The Ero-manga339. Living Sex Toy Delivery341. Love 2 Quad342. Love Bitch - Yasashii Onna343.

Love Doll344. Love Selection345. Love is the Number of Keys346. Lovely Day347. Machi Gurumi no Wana350. Magic Woman M351.

Magical Moe352. Magical Witch Academy353. Mahotama Vol. Mahotama Vol.

Mahotama Vol. Mahotama Vol. Mahotama Vol.

Mahotama Vol. Mahou Shoujo Ai360. Mahou Shoujo Ai San361. Mahou Shoujo Erena362. Mahou Shoujo Isuka363. Mahou Shoujo Sae364. Maid in Heaven 366.

Maid no Yakata: Zetsubou Hen367. Maiden Infringement Play368. Maids in Dream369. Makai Kishi Ingrid370. Makai Tenshi Djibril I371. Makai Tenshi Djibril II372.

Makai Tenshi Djibril III373. Maki-chan to Nau374. Mama Mia 375. Mama Puri!?376. Man'in Densha377. Maple Colors378.

Marriage Blue379. Masaru Ashita no Yukinojou 2380. Mashou no Kao381. Megami Kyoujyu383. Menage a Twins386.

Mesu Kyoushi Injoku no Kyoushitsu388. Mesu Nochi Torare389. Mesu Saga390. Mezzo Forte391. Miboujin Nikki392.

Midnight Panther393. Midnight Sleazy Train394. Midnight Sleazy Train 2395.

Mikagura Tanteidan396. Milk Junkie: Shimai Hen397.

Milk Money398. Minerva no Kenshi400. Mirai Choujuu Fobia401. Miss Each Other402. Mistreated Bride403.

Mitama Nin404. Miyazaki Maya Daizukan405. Miyuki-chan SOS: H Shichauzo406. Mizugi Kanojo407. Mofuku Tsuma409. Mogui: Last Order410.

Moonlight Lady414. Mouryou no Nie415. Mujintou Monogatari X416. Mujintou Monogatari XX417. Heartful Cafe418. Musuko no Tomodachi ni Okasarete419.

My Classmate`s Mother420. My Imouto: Koakuma na A Cup421.

My Life as.422. My Mean Sister 3D423. My Yuna - 3D424. Namanaka Hyaku Percent!425.

Natural 2: Duo428. Nee Summer!429. Nee, Chanto Shiyou Yo!430. Netorare Fighter Yaricchingu!431.

Netorare Tsuma432. Netorare: Tanabe Yuuka no Dokuhaku433. Newmanoid Cam434.

Ninpou Midare Karakuri435. Nonomura Byouin no Hitobito436. Nuki Doki437. Offside Girl439.

Ojou-sama Yomeiri Kousou440. Ojou-sama wa H ga Osuki441. Okusama wa Mahou Tsukai442. Oku-sama wa Michael443. One: Kagayaku Kisetsu e444.

One: Kagayaku Kisetsu e - True Stories445. Oni Chichi446. Oni Chichi II447. Oni Chichi III448.

Oni Chichi Re-Born449. Onii-chan's Sex Course 3D 450. Oni Tensei451. Onmyouji Ayakashi no Megami: Inran Jubaku452. Onmyouji: Youen Emaki453.

Onna Kyoushi Yumi no Houkago454. Ooedo Forty Eight455. Oppai Heart456.

Oppai Life457. Oppai no Ouja 48458.

Orchid Emblem459. Ore wa Kanojo o Shinjiteru!460. Osananajimi to Doukyuusei461. Oshiete Re: Maid462.

Oshioki Gakuen Reijou Kousei Keikaku463. Otoko no Ko Ojou-sama! Otome Chibaku Yuugi465.

Otome Dori466. Otome Juurin Yuugi: Maiden Infringement Play467.

Oyakodon: Oppai Tokumori Bonyuu Tsuyudaku de468. Panty Flash Teacher469. Papa Love470. Parade Parade471. Pervs on a Train472. Pia Carrot e Youkoso!!474.

Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! Pigeon Blood476. Pikkoman no Kichikumich477. Pisu Hame!478.

Please Rape Me! Princess Knight Catue480. Princess Lover! Private Emotion482. Private Sessions483.

Professor Shino's Classes in Seduction Punishment484. Pure Mail485. Rei & Fuko, Special Duty Agent489. Reijoku no Yakata491.

Reijou Caster: Ingyaku no Wana492. Reiju Gakuen493. Renketsu Houshiki494. Rensa Byoutou495. Resort Boin496. Ride of the Valkyrie498. Rin x Sen500.

Rin x Sen + Ran-Sem: Cross Mix501. Rinkan Club503. Rinkan Gakuen504. Ryou Seibai505. Ryoujoku Famiresu Choukyou Menu506. Ryoujoku Guerrilla Kari 3507. Ryuusei Tenshi Primaveil508.

Saeko Busujima 3D510. Sailor Fuku Shinryou Tsumaka511. Sailor Senshi Venus Five512. Saimin Gakuen513. Saimin Jutsu 2514. Saimin Jutsu Zero515. Saimin Ryoujoku Gakuen516.

Saishuu Chikan Densha Next517. Samayou Midara na Lunatics518. Secret Desires520.

See In AO521. Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki522.

Seifuku Shojo523. Seikoujo: Haitoku no Biden Dorei524. Seitokaichou Hikaru526. Sentakuya Shin-chan528. Septem Charm Magical Kanan529. Septem Charm Magical Kanan: SP530. Summer Camp531.

Sex Demon Queen532. Sex Warrior Pudding533. Shakkin Shimai535. Shikatte Ingo: Misaki Shunin no Buka Kyouiku Hen536. Shimaizuma: Shimaizuma 3537. Shin Angel538.

Shin Kyouhaku 2539. Shin Ringetsu540.

Shinshou Genmukan541. Shintaisou: Kari541. Shintaisou: Shin542.

Shiny Days543. Shiofuki Mermaid544.

Shishunki Shoujo545. Shitai wo Arau546. Shocking Pink548. Shokuzai no Kyoushitsu549.

Shoujo Auction550. Shoujo Sect551. Shoujo Senki Brain Jacker552. Shoujo Senki Soul Eater553.

Shoujo x Shoujo x Shoujo 554. Shoyonoido Mako-chan556. Shujii no Inbou557. Shusaku Liberty559. Shusaku Replay560.

Shuuchuu Chiryou Shitsu561. Shuudan Chikan Densha562. Slave Market565. Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o566. Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro567.


Soredemo Tsuma o Aishiteru568. Soreyuke Marin-chan569.

Soukan Yuugi570. Soukan Yuugi II571. Soukou Kijo Iris572. Soushi Souai: Junai Mellow yori573. Soushisouai Note574. Spa of Love576. Spaceship Agga Ruter577.

Star Jewel578. Stringendo: Core Mix Megamori: Okazu Desu yo582.

Stringendo & Accelerando Ultimatum: Sera583. Suki de Suki de, Suki de The Animation584. Summer Days585. Swallowtail Inn586. Sweet Home587.

Swing Out Sisters588. TSF Monogatari589. Taimanin Asagi590. Tentacle and Witches592. The Duchess of Busty Mounds593.

The Pollinic Girls Attack594. The Sleazy Family595. The Sleazy Family 2596. Tokubetsu Byoutou597. Tokyo Requiem598. Tony's Heroin Series599.

Toriko Hime601. Toumei Ningen602. Toumei Ningen R603. Tower of Etruria604. Triangle Blue605. Tropical Kiss606.

True Blue607. True Blue II608. Tsugou no Yoi Sexfriend?610.

Tsuma Shibori611. Tsuma no Haha Sayuri612.

Tsun Tsun Maid wa Ero Ero Desu613. Tsundere Inran Shoujo Sukumi614. Uchuu Kaizoku Sara615. Uhou Renka616. Umemaro 3D Game of Lascivity OMEGA Vol.1617. Umemaro 3D Vol.1 - Aya618.

Umemaro 3D Vol.10 - Dr. Sugimoto's Lecherous Treatment619.

Umemaro 3D Vol.11 - Pizza Takeout Obscenity620. Umemaro 3D Vol.2 - Kasumi621. Umemaro 3D Vol.3 - Sasa622. Umemaro 3D Vol.4 - Mai623. Umemaro 3D Vol.5 - The Crazy Female Teacher624.

Umemaro 3D Vol.6 - Senpai625. Umemaro 3D Vol.7 - Lewd Bomb Female Teacher626. Umemaro 3D Vol.8 - Lewd Consultation Room627.

Umemaro 3D Vol.9 - Twin Succubus Unbalance628. Unsweet: Netorare Ochita Onna-tachi629. Utsukushiki Emono-tachi no Gakuen630. Valkyrie Choukyou Semen Tank no Ikusa Otome 10-nin Shimai632. Viper GTS634. Voyeur's Digest635. SpartanSex Spermax636.

Wizard Girl Ambitious637. Wana: Hakudaku Mamire no Houkago638. Watashi no Shiranai Mesu no Kao639. Wicked Lessons640. Wife Eater642. Wife going to fall, Attractive Flowers-3D643.

Wife-Swap Diaries644. Women at Work645. Words Worth646. Yakata Jukujo647. Yakin Byoutou648. Yakin Byoutou Ni649.

Yakin Byoutou San650. Yakin Byoutou - Kranke651. Yakin Byoutou - Kazama Mana652. Yakin Byoutou - Nanase Ren653. Yakin Byoutou - Yagami Yuu654. Yama Hime no Mi655. Yubisaki Annainin657.

Yume Kui Tsurumiku Shiki Game Seisaku658. Yuu Rei ha Doukyonin!659. Zero no Tsukaima Doujin Henta660.

Zettai Junshu661. Zettai Junshu Kyousei Kozukuri Kyokashou!!662.

Zoku Gosenzo San`e663. Zoku Koihime thanks to bimo kawan ane yang mesumNote:1. Kalok ada yang salah judulnya atau tidak sesuai abjad gomen2. Kalok ada yang ngeluh capek bacanya ane gak nanggung3. Ane saranin untuk yang cewek atau yang gak suka H jangan tonton ini, ini bagi yang mau loh, ane cuman kasih tau judulnya dan jangan protes4. Kalo misal dicari yang sub indo gak ada cari aja yang sub inggris —.

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